Make Fresns connected account support WeChat login, support WeChat login for website, mini program, iOS app, Android app.
The official File Storage service plugin developed by Fresns. Supports local, ftp and sftp storage methods.
Fresns official development of easy to manage menu.
Fresns official development of the SMTP sending method of mail plugin.
Currently supports the SMS service of three service providers: Ali Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Volcengine.
IP属地 支持纯真和阿里云市场接口
Generate share posters for content & user pages
Fresns 官方开发的「七牛云」存储服务插件。本插件没有设置页,七牛云配置信息使用系统的「存储设置」信息。
Content icon manager extension to manage post and comment title icons.
Discuz X 系统自带的默认四组表情。
ImageX integration for fresns
Counting the number of days users are online.
百度内容审核插件 支持人工审核
With this extension, editors can publish content directly from the client as a specified user.
S3 storage, available from any storage service that supports the S3 protocol.
AI问答插件 支持 百度文心一言 讯飞星火 chatgpt 后台切换使用