Easy SMS
Currently supports the SMS service of three service providers: Ali Cloud, Tencent Cloud and Volcengine.
- 使用标识名安装:
- 使用指令安装:
php artisan market:require EasySms
配置项 | 腾讯云 | 阿里云 |
Key ID | 访问管理->用户->用户列表->用户详情->API 密钥SecretId |
RAM 访问控制->身份管理->用户AccessKey ID |
Key Secret | 访问管理->用户->用户列表->用户详情->API 密钥SecretKey |
RAM 访问控制->身份管理->用户AccessKey Secret |
SDK App ID | 短信->应用管理->应用列表->SDK AppID | 留空 |
匹配验证码模板 | 未使用国际短信,保持默认即可{"86":"zh-Hans","other":"en"} |
未使用国际短信,保持默认即可{"86":"zh-Hans","other":"en"} |
- 腾讯云:权限->权限策略->短信服务(SMS)全读写访问权限
- 阿里云:权限管理->系统策略->管理短信服务(SMS)的权限
配置项 | 腾讯云示例 | 阿里云示例 |
短信签名名称 | Fresns |
Fresns |
模板参数 | 1107229 |
SMS_115200038 |
验证码变量名 | 1 |
code |
Funciona com
Fresns 3.x
Banco de dados
Suporte ao banco de dados
- MySQL/MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
- SQLite
Tabelas de dados Fresns envolvidas
- configs
- verify_codes
Versão 2.4.3
Lançado em 22/07/2024 14:12
refactor: pure phone
refactor: country calling code
- 兼容新临时数据表
- 适配支持 fresns 3.x
- 适配新插件路径
- 优化文案的问题
- 新增支持「火山引擎」短信服务
- refactor: fskey
- 修改样式名 bootstrap-icons.min.css
- 设置页增加发信配置超链接
- 修复卸载插件错误
- 配置项未入库时也能保存成功
- overtrue/easy-sms 依赖包升级到 2.3
- 安装失败时,保证设置页不报错,补充默认值
- 修正 Template 变量名单词错误
- 基于新插件机制开发的短信插件。
- 暂只支持腾讯云和阿里云短信。
Isenção de responsabilidade do Mercado Fresns
The Fresns App Marketplace is a repository of Fresns extensions, aggregating public and private extensions developed on top of the Fresns ecosystem.
The Fresns Marketplace is an open platform and any account registered as a developer can publish apps (certified developer can publish paid apps). As a result, the Fresns App Marketplace is unable to fully monitor applications uploaded to the App Marketplace by third parties and therefore does not guarantee the legitimacy, security, integrity, authenticity or quality of applications. By downloading an application from the Fresns Marketplace, you agree to use your own judgement and assume all risks without relying on the Fresns Marketplace.
Free applications are not explicitly stated and the developer is not obliged to provide technical support, so please install your own test functions.
In any case, Fresns Marketplace reserves the right to discontinue the Application Marketplace service and to take appropriate action in accordance with the law, including but not limited to removal of the application in question, suspension of all or part of the service. Fresns shall not be liable, directly, indirectly or jointly, for any damages that may be caused to you or to third parties.