Zhijie Web
Zhijie Web

Zhijie Web


A minimalist theme in the form of information flow as an experience, with responsive design.

Installation mit fskey
Installation mit Befehl

知结是一个互联网从业者的资讯社区,由开源程序 Fresns 驱动,有网站、微信小程序、iOS App 和 Android App 全端产品。





Web 客户端

App 客户端

知结社区 App




Reaktionsfähiges Web


WeChat Login

Funktioniert mit

Fresns 3.x


Version 2.2.4

Veröffentlicht am 12.08.2024 09:30



2.2.4 12.08.2024 09:30
  • cosm: birthday view
  • chore: lang key
  • fix: user auth
2.2.3 07.07.2024 15:32
  • fix: conversation message type
  • fix: s3 upload file
2.2.2 12.06.2024 12:02
  • 修复编辑器 uploadMethoduploadAppUrl 参数名
2.2.1 10.06.2024 19:39
  • 适配新的插件页上传配置参数
  • 完善插件页关注小组和用户
2.2.0 03.06.2024 22:58
  • 修改组件文件夹名
  • 适配 controls 键名
2.1.4 01.06.2024 14:41
  • 编辑器扩展列表键名错误
  • 适配记录值语言标识名
  • 上传文件的扩展名转换为小写字母
2.1.3 19.05.2024 17:27
  • 移除自定义 cookie 前缀
  • 优化账户中心视图
2.1.2 12.05.2024 14:11
  • 优化上传文件流程
  • 优化多语言链接
2.1.1 06.05.2024 12:07
  • cosm: 登录进度条样式
  • fix: 头像和私聊的文件上传
  • refactor: 时区
2.1.0 01.05.2024 11:26
  • 适配新的变化
2.0.0 23.03.2024 11:13
  • 支持 Fresns 3.x
1.2.0 23.10.2023 01:14
  • 适配列表页接口的分页信息 pagination 参数名
  • 适配新的钱包交易记录参数名
  • 框架 fresns/web-engine 升级到 v3.1.0
1.1.0 19.10.2023 21:45
  • 修改公安备案 key 名
  • 优化视图
  • 修复若干问题
1.0.0 11.10.2023 23:50
  • new website
Haftungsausschluss für Fresns Marktplatz

The Fresns App Marketplace is a repository of Fresns extensions, aggregating public and private extensions developed on top of the Fresns ecosystem.

The Fresns Marketplace is an open platform and any account registered as a developer can publish apps (certified developer can publish paid apps). As a result, the Fresns App Marketplace is unable to fully monitor applications uploaded to the App Marketplace by third parties and therefore does not guarantee the legitimacy, security, integrity, authenticity or quality of applications. By downloading an application from the Fresns Marketplace, you agree to use your own judgement and assume all risks without relying on the Fresns Marketplace.

Free applications are not explicitly stated and the developer is not obliged to provide technical support, so please install your own test functions.

In any case, Fresns Marketplace reserves the right to discontinue the Application Marketplace service and to take appropriate action in accordance with the law, including but not limited to removal of the application in question, suspension of all or part of the service. Fresns shall not be liable, directly, indirectly or jointly, for any damages that may be caused to you or to third parties.
