ImageX Integration
ImageX Integration

ImageX Integration


ImageX integration for fresns

Installation avec fskey
Installation avec commande


  1. [Basic] File storage. You can save almost anything you like in ImageX
  2. [Powerful] Image processing. You can change your image processing to optimize the bandwidth.
  3. [Safe] Url signature. Guest can not get your file without a correct signature from your site.


  1. Install this plugin by typing plugin identity ImageX in your Control Panel. Typing php artisan market:require ImageX in your shell works also.
  2. Enable this plugin.
  3. Switch to your fresns storage configuration.


Section Configuration Meaning Example
Server Config Service Provider Set to ImageX Integration ImageX Integration
Secret ID Your access key ID get from VolcEngine IAM AKbalabala
Secret Key Your secret access key get from VolcEngine IAM RaNd0mTeXT
Bucket Name Your service ID get from VolcEngine ImageX and AppID get from VolcEngine BAF Service0ID,123456
Bucket Region Your service region get from VolcEngine ImageX (1) cn-north-1
Bucket Endpoint
Access Domain Your service domain set in VolcEngine ImageX
Filesystem Disk Set to remote remote
Function Config Anti Link Key Your url signature secret (2) rANd0mteXt
Valid minutes for sign Keep the value less then the value set in the page Anti Link Key mentioned.
Image Function Image Handle Position Set to path suffix padding path-end
Any other blank in this section Starts with ~tplv-, ends with file extension name ~tplv-Service0ID-t1.avif
Video Function Transcode Parameter Starts with ~tplv-, ends with file extension name ~tplv-Service0ID-t2.mp4
Transcode Parameter Handle Position Set to path suffix padding path-end
Poster Parameter Starts with ~tplv-, ends with file extension name ~tplv-Service0ID-t3.png
Poster Parameter Handle Position Set to path suffix padding path-end
Audio Function - Not supported. ImageX doesn't provide any audio processing function. But you can storage your audio file in ImageX.
Document Function - Supported. ImageX can storage any file you like.

(1) The value is properly one of cn-north-1, ap-singapore-1, us-east-1

(2) Configuration page{SERVICE_ID}/{DOMAIN}, e.g. This plugin only supports method C.



Fonctionne avec

Fresns 3.x

Base de données

Supports de base de données

  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server
  • SQLite

Tables de données Fresns impliquées

  • files

À propos

Version 2.1.3

Publié le 15/08/2024 13:01


2.1.3 15/08/2024 13:01
  • 临时解决 FileSize 验证错误
2.1.2 25/07/2024 04:38
  1. 改个版本号
2.1.1 22/07/2024 10:14
  • moreJson 改为 moreInfo
  • 移除冗余微信 web SDK 引用
2.1.0 19/05/2024 16:48
  • 适配新的存储配置和命令字
2.0.0 30/04/2024 10:59
  • fix: Fresns 3 支持
1.7.5 16/12/2023 14:32
  • fix: 修复上传时参数错误
1.7.4 16/12/2023 12:32
  • fix: 修复上传时参数错误
1.7.3 09/12/2023 15:19
  • fix: 前端上传保留文件名
1.7.2 01/11/2023 13:38
  • fix: 修复微信小程序中上传多个文件重复返回的问题
1.7.1 25/10/2023 12:24
  • chore: 调整缓存策略
  • fix: 修复微信小程序环境下的一些错误
1.7.0 15/10/2023 13:23
  • chore: 适配 Fresns v2.19.0
1.6.0 29/07/2023 19:09
  • feat: 支持 Fresns 音频 和 文档 处理规则
1.5.0 22/07/2023 09:25
  • chore: 文件参数
  • chore: fresns callback
1.4.0 14/07/2023 12:45
  1. 修复物理删除的循环问题
  2. 修复客户端上传数据库存储了错误的文件路径的问题
1.3.0 03/07/2023 08:57


  1. 客户端上传添加文件校验
1.2.1 19/05/2023 02:02
  • 适配新版回调格式
1.2.0 06/05/2023 15:46
  • 整理代码
  • 替换静态资源
  • 适配新的插件机制 fskey
1.1.4 02/03/2023 23:18
  • 修复区域设置读取错误
1.1.3 01/03/2023 12:48
  • 优化文件信息
  • 更新缓存标签
1.1.2 18/02/2023 18:29
  • 支持最新版 Fresns(2.6.0),并放弃旧版本 Fresns (低于 2.6.0)支持
1.1.1 17/02/2023 14:58
  • 修复缓存错误
1.1.0 10/02/2023 18:10
  • 支持插件页直传云服务
  • 支持视频处理(转码和封面)
1.0.1 10/11/2022 02:48
  • 添加封面
  • 更新依赖(修复文件上传错误)
1.0.0 25/10/2022 03:07
  • 第一个版本    - 文件上传    - 图片处理    - 文件防盗链
Avertissement du marché Fresns

The Fresns App Marketplace is a repository of Fresns extensions, aggregating public and private extensions developed on top of the Fresns ecosystem.

The Fresns Marketplace is an open platform and any account registered as a developer can publish apps (certified developer can publish paid apps). As a result, the Fresns App Marketplace is unable to fully monitor applications uploaded to the App Marketplace by third parties and therefore does not guarantee the legitimacy, security, integrity, authenticity or quality of applications. By downloading an application from the Fresns Marketplace, you agree to use your own judgement and assume all risks without relying on the Fresns Marketplace.

Free applications are not explicitly stated and the developer is not obliged to provide technical support, so please install your own test functions.

In any case, Fresns Marketplace reserves the right to discontinue the Application Marketplace service and to take appropriate action in accordance with the law, including but not limited to removal of the application in question, suspension of all or part of the service. Fresns shall not be liable, directly, indirectly or jointly, for any damages that may be caused to you or to third parties.
