



Instalación con fskey
Instalación con comando


命令字 1.0.5 开始支持

makeOrder 创建订单 

callbackResponse 查询回调
 $wordBody = [
            'payPlatform'=>"mini_program", mini_program / official_account
            'type'=>"weixin", // weixin pc h5
            'out_trade_no'=>订单号, //  可为空 为空自动生成
            'ip'=>IP,//可为空 type h5场景必传 

        $res = \FresnsCmdWord::plugin('WxPay')->makeOrder($wordBody);
$wordBody['token'] = $token; //token 上面命令字会返回 
$pluginJson = \FresnsCmdWord::plugin('WxPay')->callbackResponse($wordBody);



Funciona con

Fresns 3.x

Base de datos

Soporte de base de datos

  • MySQL/MariaDB

Tablas de datos de Fresns involucradas

  • configs
  • plugins
  • accounts
  • wallets
  • users

Acerca de

Versión 1.2.0

Lanzado el 10/10/2024 04:13

1.2.0 10/10/2024 04:13

修复一些问题 规范订单号存放 目前需要手动吧 account_wallet_logs表的transaction_id 字段类型 改成字符串(varchar)

1.1.8 26/08/2024 09:44

修复因Fresns 2升3导致的各种BUG

1.1.5 24/07/2024 10:39

修复 类命令问题 修复 命令字问题

1.1.4 24/05/2024 04:24


1.1.3 06/05/2024 12:41


1.1.2 01/05/2024 06:03


1.1.1 28/04/2024 09:34


1.1.0 24/04/2024 12:00


1.0.9 04/11/2023 22:54


1.0.7 12/10/2023 13:09

fix 一处报错

1.0.6 09/10/2023 10:51

兼容 2.19.0

1.0.5 06/09/2023 10:55

大幅度整理代码 修正若干问题 兼容小程序 增加2个命令字 makeOrder 创建订单 callbackResponse 查询回调

1.0.4 20/08/2023 20:54

更换CDN JS加速地址

1.0.3 03/08/2023 00:08

fix 一些问题 add 开始兼容小程序

1.0.2 04/07/2023 18:09


1.0.1 24/06/2023 11:00

兼容 2.16.0 修改

1.0.0 20/06/2023 00:28


Descargo de responsabilidad del mercado de Fresns

The Fresns App Marketplace is a repository of Fresns extensions, aggregating public and private extensions developed on top of the Fresns ecosystem.

The Fresns Marketplace is an open platform and any account registered as a developer can publish apps (certified developer can publish paid apps). As a result, the Fresns App Marketplace is unable to fully monitor applications uploaded to the App Marketplace by third parties and therefore does not guarantee the legitimacy, security, integrity, authenticity or quality of applications. By downloading an application from the Fresns Marketplace, you agree to use your own judgement and assume all risks without relying on the Fresns Marketplace.

Free applications are not explicitly stated and the developer is not obliged to provide technical support, so please install your own test functions.

In any case, Fresns Marketplace reserves the right to discontinue the Application Marketplace service and to take appropriate action in accordance with the law, including but not limited to removal of the application in question, suspension of all or part of the service. Fresns shall not be liable, directly, indirectly or jointly, for any damages that may be caused to you or to third parties.
