WeChat Login
Make Fresns connected account support WeChat login, support WeChat login for website, mini program, iOS app, Android app.
Fresns 官方开发的「微信登录」插件,支持网站、小程序、App 等各端的微信登录。
- 插件安装后,启用并配置插件的设置。
- 配置好插件后,再关联到账户互联支持。
- 后台->系统->账户设置->第三方互联支持
接口说明 | 接口地址 |
微信互联信息 | /api/wechat-login/connects |
小程序登录 | /api/wechat-login/mini-program/oauth |
使用小程序授权网页登录 | /api/wechat-login/mini-program/oauth-website |
开放平台移动应用登录 | /api/wechat-login/open-platform/oauth |
多端应用 Apple 账号登录 | /api/wechat-login/mini-app/oauth-apple |
获取 JS-SDK 签名 | /api/wechat-login/js-sdk/sign |
- 建议第一次请求不传参
,当账号不存在时,让用户选择是绑定账号还是生成新账号,避免用户已经有账号了,重复生成。 - 文案:
- 您已经使用
授权成功,但是本站并未查询到对应的账号。 - 我有账号,我要关联绑定
- 我没有账号,帮我生成新账号
- 您已经使用
Funciona con
Fresns 3.x
Base de datos
Soporte de base de datos
- MySQL/MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- SQL Server
- SQLite
Tablas de datos de Fresns involucradas
- configs
Acerca de
Versión 2.2.3
Lanzado el 07/08/2024 03:40
- 适配 Fresns 互联平台新的模型常量名
- 升级 JS SDK
- 修复多端应用登录错误
- 适配新版微信小程序
- 优化并适配新版系统
- 修复「重新扫码」的元素未变化问题
- 适配支持 fresns 3.x
- 修复 web 登录的 appid 错误
chore: github link
- 新增接口
- 适配新插件路径
- 新增「多端应用」的支持
- 修复开放平台的移动应用登录
- 修复小程序里打开本插件时缺失提示文案
- 修复平台编号错误导致微信内打开网页绑定时报错
- 跳转链接修改成回调方式由父页面处理
- 修正回调参数名
- API 新增昵称和头像参数
- 修复微信中打开时,小程序码不能显示问题
- 优化编码风格
- 修复语言标签错误
- 适配多端 postMessage 消息
- 适配新的回调字段名
- 修复创建互联信息失败问题
- 修正登录命令字
- fix bug
- Initial commit
Descargo de responsabilidad del mercado de Fresns
The Fresns App Marketplace is a repository of Fresns extensions, aggregating public and private extensions developed on top of the Fresns ecosystem.
The Fresns Marketplace is an open platform and any account registered as a developer can publish apps (certified developer can publish paid apps). As a result, the Fresns App Marketplace is unable to fully monitor applications uploaded to the App Marketplace by third parties and therefore does not guarantee the legitimacy, security, integrity, authenticity or quality of applications. By downloading an application from the Fresns Marketplace, you agree to use your own judgement and assume all risks without relying on the Fresns Marketplace.
Free applications are not explicitly stated and the developer is not obliged to provide technical support, so please install your own test functions.
In any case, Fresns Marketplace reserves the right to discontinue the Application Marketplace service and to take appropriate action in accordance with the law, including but not limited to removal of the application in question, suspension of all or part of the service. Fresns shall not be liable, directly, indirectly or jointly, for any damages that may be caused to you or to third parties.